‘Women Are Fr@ud’ – Says Man Who Divorced Wife Over Makeup Transformation

File Photo: A before and after makeup photo of a Nigerian woman

An anonymous social media user has explained that he divorced his legally married wife for allegedly defrauding him through make up transformation.

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While reacting to a viral makeup photo on social media, the man said that the woman he married had deceived him with face makeups, but that he has divorced her and request for a dowry refund.

“Women are Fraud. The woman I married deceived me also. I have divorced her and requested my dowry. this time I have to wash your face before looking at you. This is a total fraud,” said the anonymous commenter while reacting to the image below.

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In support of his claims, another social media user identified as [@Reddwain] on Twitter, shared a video of another unbelievable facial transformation done on a lady.

See video below;

Same energy!!! pic.twitter.com/DTe1nZlzD7

— Redd🇬🇭🇱🇷 (@richlude) November 5, 2020

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